Poesías sin rima ni verso, cuentos para niños que no son para niños, ideas frustradas, y gritos silenciosos.

Monday, 27 May 2013


Temía que todas aquellas voces hablaran de ella, 
pero trataba de escuchar, 
solo por asegurarse. 
No siempre hablaban de ella. 

Wednesday, 22 May 2013


What to think if your mind is gone?
Having your mind or thoughts far, 

In somewhere where it can not be reached, 
far from the physical you. 

But, How to think?
How to think of having far your mind, 
if it is indeed, far?
Can we think without our minds?
Being an empty head, 
a living skull. 

A living puppet. 
Having wishes of thoughts 
you are unable to produce. 

But without pain.
All this, having your mind far from you.