Find an image that make you want to write.
and then, create the history of the image. "
A lion. It was just a lion.
He wanted to write about the lion,
about how fierce he looked,
and how, even being fierce was alone.
But he could not do it.
Because the words where there.
And his writing seemed like a eiht-year-old school writing.
Pathetic, lame, poor.
Because probably those weren't the words,
or maybe that was not the moment,
or maybe it was not the image.
Yes, it was the image.
He did not want to create the history of the lion,
the fierce but lonely lion,
because that lion already had a history.
Each mark in his fur, every lighter line,
was part of his history.
And his words were not necessary.
Because the history was already written,
not in paper with ink,