Poesías sin rima ni verso, cuentos para niños que no son para niños, ideas frustradas, y gritos silenciosos.

Tuesday 20 December 2011


Just shut up and look to the front,
to that curved lines that are writing your future.
A future writen by the hands of an old man,
who is only writing what a blond boy tells him to write.
That old man is as bald as you are starting to be.
That boy has your same blue eyes,

 with the difference that his are not broken,
they are not full of fears and empty of tears.

1 comment:

  1. Bea querida bea ¬¬
    Estamos muy indignadas contigo. Queremos la varsión española. Para inclutas.
    Gracias, Atte
    Desde la habitación de al lado.
